71 research outputs found

    Traceability as Part of Competitive Strategy in the Fruit Supply Chain

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    This paper discusses traceability as part of information management in fruit supply chains of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. A review of the rules in use for traceability distinguishes between a proper traceability and a traceability plus (T+), embedded of many value attributes. Elements of competitive strategy, considered in the analysis of fruit supply chins of Emilia-Romagna, try to demonstrate that not only strategic but also operative choices determine the way a single firm or filiere manages traceability and information issues. Applications of such elements to buyers and sellers selection as well as to competing retailers of fruit supply chain, verify the hypothesis.Traceability, Information management, Fruit supply chain, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization, L1, Q13,


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    The "quality issue" in the agri-food sector has been gaining importance over the past few years. Firms are continually searching for techniques and tools which permit production of goods that meet as many as possible of the characteristics demanded by the market. Quality assurance methods and techniques can provide a useful tool for approaching evolving markets in the correct way. This paper focuses on a survey conducted in certain sub-sectors (fruit and vegetable, meal and pasta, wine) and is specifically restricted to the Emilia-Romagna region. The survey found that there is extensive awareness of and widespread interest in quality systems. However, the objective of initiating a pattern of renewal which incorporates quality systems has not yet been widely attained. The survey also highlighted a certain absence of the "quality culture" necessary for correctly addressing these issues. The second part of this paper focuses on the economic analysis of the costs related to quality systems (QS). Its aim is to apply a method for collecting data on activities and resources, and to analyse the results. The importance of QS-related costs is evident if we are to consider it an investment, entailing the deployment of management effort and funds, and yielding a set of benefits in return. Case study analyses were conducted utilising an original classification scheme. From the initial results it is possible to identify the principal cost categories. The method adopted could be useful for firms wishing to monitor their QS.Marketing,


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    The 'quality issue' in the agri-food sector has been gaining importance over the past few years. Firms are continually searching for techniques and tools which permit production of goods that meet as many as possible of the characteristics demanded by the market. Quality assurance methods and techniques can provide a useful tool for approaching evolving markets in the correct way. This paper focuses on a survey conducted in certain sub-sectors (fruit and vegetable, meal and pasta, wine) and is specifically restricted to the Emilia-Romagna region. The survey found that there is extensive awareness of and widespread interest in quality systems. However, the objective of initiating a pattern of renewal which incorporates quality systems has not yet been widely attained. The survey also highlighted a certain absence of the 'quality culture' necessary for correctly addressing these issues. The second part of this paper focuses on the economic analysis of the costs related to quality systems (QS). Its aim is to apply a method for collecting data on activities and resources, and to analyse the results. The importance of QS-related costs is evident if we are to consider it an investment, entailing the deployment of management effort and funds, and yielding a set of benefits in return. Case study analyses were conducted utilising an original classification scheme. From the initial results it is possible to identify the principal cost categories. The method adopted could be useful for firms wishing to monitor their QS.

    Evaluation of the potential interest of Italian retail distribution chains for Kamut-based products

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    Kamut® is a registered trademark cereal (an organic crop) whose origins are much older; it has Egyptian origins and at the present time it is grown in different areas of the world (mainly in Montana and Canada), but considering the agronomic requirements of this crop, the tests in Thailand are the most reliable. Evaluation of the interest of retail distribution chains for Kamut-based products belongs to the researches regarding the evaluation of the quality food products trade. In this case, countries involved are Thailand, one of the most important producers, and Italy, one of the most important market of the EU. Qualitative analysis technique was the most appropriate tool. This survey consisted of in-depth semi-structured interviews directed at Italian large scale retails (purchasing and marketing managers). The final information were obtained through a subjective analysis of the content of the interviews summaries, a statistical analysis of the content of the interviews and the creation of conceptual positioning maps. The awareness of the product, the communicative factor, the consumers reactions, the specific requirements of the distribution chains and production areas are some of the most important elements that can influence the creation and the development of a international trade relationship.organic products, quality food products, international trade, Italian large scale retail, qualitative analysis technique, Agribusiness, Marketing,

    How people share information about food: Insights from tweets regarding two Italian Regions

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    Sharing information about food through Twitter contributes to the evolution of food cultures, accelerating the exchange of information and knowledge about food. The aim of this study is to describe the type of information regarding food shared on Twitter and what kind of network is established between Twitter users in those cases when the #food in question is associated to a geographical area (#Tuscany or #Sicily). Using two different methodological approaches, combining quantitative tools with Network Analysis, the study highlights the fact that there are differences between the two networks surveyed, both with regard to the actors involved and to the way in which they share information on Twitter

    What Grounds Our Loyalty towards “Authentic Brand Activism” of a Sustainable Food Brand?

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    “Authentic brand activism” is an under-researched area of study, and it suffers from a clear lack of understanding concerning the effectiveness of its practices. This study aims to assess how consumers’ evaluations of a brand regarding brand reputation, competence, credibility, and benevolence affect consumers’ brand trust and brand loyalty. This research focuses on the Italian brand “Libera Terra” (“Free Land”), an organisation that uses assets confiscated from the mafias for the production of environmentally and socially sustainable agri-food products. Based on a sample of 366 randomly chosen consumers in a supermarket in the urban district of Bologna (Italy), the results show that consumers’ perceptions of brand performance contribute to their perceived levels of brand trust. The brand trust subsequently impacts consumers’ brand loyalty. This research confirms that alignment between an organisation’s values, business practices, and marketing strategies ensures that authentic brand activism is effective, highlighting the need for businesses to consciously adopt brand activism and avoid “woke washing” practices. The theoretical and managerial implications arising from this research are also presented

    Nuove dinamiche nel commercio dei prodotti agroalimentari: resistenze all’adozione dell’e-commerce nelle relazioni B2B [New trends in agri-food products trade: resistance to adoption of e-commerce in B2B relationships]

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    Since some decades, agri-food products exchanges can be carried on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Anyway, their adoption in the agri-food sector appears to be hindered, both because of consolidated dynamics in developing B2B transactions, and of the peculiarities of the agri-food products themselves. The lack of direct relationships between partner heighten problems connected with food safety assessments, and with the definition of standardized production practices able to match business partner’ needs. Standardization is the key point in the relationship between e-commerce and agri-food sector. As for some products it is possible to define standardized requirements, it is hard to find a collocation for the wide range of agri-food differentiated and quality products in e-commerce B2B relationships. Moreover, existing e-marketplaces are not always able to convey properly the degree of differentiation and the peculiarities of agri-food products. The study aims at analyzing the barriers connected with the adoption of e-commerce in B2B relationships in agri-food sector, defining the factors which affect the interaction between the two areas. The attitude towards e-commerce showed by potential ICT tools users, chosen between Italian agri-food operators, has been analyzed; moreover, an overview on the evolution of agri-food e-marketplaces in the last 5 years has been carried on. The results describe the main problems concerning the adoption of e-commerce in agri-food sector, deeply connected with the agri-food products specifics. In spite of positive outcomes about efficiency and transactions for standardized products, the interaction between ICT tools and agri-food sector’s needs becomes problematic in case of high quality levels and differentiation, which can’t be properly conveyed by e-marketplaces. Results also highlight the role of trust and reputation in e-environments.e-commerce, B2B transactions, agri-food products, standardization, quality requirements

    Purchasing food to counteract Mafia in Italy

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    Purpose The paper aims to investigate pro-social behaviour of Italian consumers during the decision-making process of buying food produced in lands confiscated from Mafia-type organisations. This is assumed as a form of buycotting, thus as an ethical purchasing choice to contribute to social change. Design/methodology/approach Data from 339 interviews were elaborated with a cluster analysis. The difference between groups was confirmed using MANOVA, whereas the multivariate multiple regression analysis was carried out to assess the difference between clusters. Findings Three types of consumer groups are identified: absolutists, exceptionists and subjectivists. Coherent with previous studies, findings also highlight the relevance of information acquisition and of the self-effectiveness perception as key factors to stimulate pro-social behaviours. Originality/value With a social marketing perspective, the paper offers useful suggestions to promote political consumerism as a critical choice to contribute to fight against Mafia-type organisations and to spread a culture of lawfulness

    Indagine esplorativa dell'atteggiamento dei consumatori europei verso riso e tapioca biologici importati dalla Thailandia

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    The research field is marketing of quality food products for the introduction and promotion of innovative and differentiating products in distribution places far and culturally different by the country of origin/production. In an international trade context, environmental elements (e.g. the introduction of organic agriculture) and the role of the country of origin/production could influence the consumers’ perception of the distribution places. This study is aimed at deepening the knowledge about European consumer attitudes towards Thai organic rice and tapioca. In particular, the purpose was to explore relevant attributes for the quality product perception, motivations for purchasing, limiting factors, reasonable price brackets, trust elements. In this first phase of research, a qualitative approach was used. Four focus groups were administered (in Germany, in Greece, in Italy and in Scotland) by one or two investigators and the participants were recruited using a convenience sampling method (6-8 persons each). The discussions were recorded, transcribed and analysed through a qualitative approach. Finally, an exhaustive list of semantic categories was created, explained and supported by parts of the discussions. Participants still do not know much about these products, especially about tapioca. They tend to favour the product’s nutritional aspects, followed by its taste and smell, which in any case were not deemed satisfactory; however, they want also that a series of social and environmental benefits are satisfied. In general, Thai organic rice is perceived as a “different type” of rice and tapioca as a “new product”. The most important critical issues affecting participant’s opinions include: the lack of trust in the certification process by foreign countries and the low attitude towards trying food novelties seemed due to a sense of loyalty to (or affection for) local food traditions. One of the most important trust elements is represented by the brand of the distributor, the producer and the EU and national certification bodies; in particular, participants associate some parameters of guarantee and safety to brand’s name. The information obtained could be useful in further exploring of this topic and it needs to be tested with a quantitative approach.Marketing of Quality Food Products, Differentiating Elements, International Trade Context, Focus Group, Semantic Categories, Q13,

    Effect of multimedia interventions on children’s fruit and vegetable consumption in a real-life setting

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    Purpose This paper aims to examine the effect of a food-inspired multimedia intervention on children’s fruits and vegetables (F&V) consumption in a real-life setting during lunch. Design Children in an elementary school in Bologna (Italy) in third, fourth and fifth grade, aged between 9 and 12 years old, were examined (N = 171). Two different types of messages (generic and specific) were used to test message-tailoring in two separate intervention groups and one control group. The two intervention groups (classes) were presented with multimedia messages during an English lesson before lunchtime, and their eating behavior during lunch at school was observed. All children were served the first and second course, vegetables and fruit during lunchtime. Data was analyzed with R 3.4.2. Mann–Whitney U, Kruskal–Wallis and ANOVA tests were used to test for group differences, ordered logistic regression for modelling fruit and vegetable consumption. Findings The results show that children receiving a specific message targeting F&V consumed more fruit than the other two study groups. No effect on vegetable consumption was observed. Results from an ordered logit model support the notion that the multimedia message impacted fruit intake in the specific message group when taking other variables into account, such as F&V consumption and availability at home and children’s attitude toward F&V. Originality While many studies have considered a group of intervention for understanding the effect of multimedia, this study is focused only on the effect of a message (generic or specific). Moreover, participants, children, were not informed that they were participating in a study on fruit and vegetables consumption, and thus were following their daily routine
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